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Give Your Employees C.R.A.P...the Success Formula for Building Employee Loyalty- ABEN - ON DEMAND - NO CE

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Human Resource Development
Jeff Kortes
Course Levels:
Mid-Level/Senior Level
1 Hour
Access for 90 day(s) after purchase.


Have you ever wondered why some bosses and organizations have people who are incredibly loyal to them and who will do anything for them while others have a revolving door of employee turnover?  Those bosses and organizations people want to follow give their employees lots of C.R.A.P.!  (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise).  Jeff provides a “headhunter’s” insight into why some employees are loyal and others work only to get a paycheck.  Through real-life stories and interactive participation, Jeff has created a program which helps participants understand how to demonstrate Caring, Respect, Appreciation, and Praise, so that they can systematically build employee loyalty in their organization.  

Because Jeff is a “headhunter,” in addition to having 25 years in human resources leadership roles prior to starting his own company, he hears first-hand from candidates why bosses and organizations who give their people lots of C.R.A.P. have people who will go the extra mile for them when things get tough and others will leave at 5 o’clock on the dot. 

Jeff’s unique insight will enable participants to leave the session with actionable steps to begin building employee loyalty and drive retention in their department or organization while participating in a program with realistic takeaways that will resonate with attendees.

(Note:  If you have already heard Jeff’s program, “Give Your Employees C.R.A.P…and 7 Other Secrets to Employee Retention” this is a deep dive into C.R.A.P.!  We will specifically look at what makes up Caring, Respect Appreciation and Praise and how organizations must use it to build loyalty on their team)

Basic Course Information

Learning Objectives
  • Advocate to senior leadership that the C.R.A.P. Formula (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise) must be at the heart of your employee loyalty or retention strategy.
  • Demonstrate HOW TO best give employees C.R.A.P. (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise).  Many leaders want to give employees C.R.A.P. but don’t know how to do it!
  • Show why the C.R.A.P. (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise) Formula is essential to millennials and Gen Z.
  • Identify which leaders in their organization don’t give their employees C.R.A.P.

Major Subjects
  • Employee Retention
  • Employee Engagement
  • Leadership

Course Materials


Jeff Kortes Related Seminars and Products

Jeff has more than 25 years experience in human resources.  He has worked at companies that specialize in manufacturing, construction, and software development.  During his career he has worked to recruit, retain and develop employees, at companies including ConAgra Foods, SPX, Midas International and American Crystal Sugar. 

Jeff is the founder of Human Asset Management LLC, which helps organizations to recruit, engage, develop and retain talent.  He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) and a frequent speaker on the topic of loyalty, employee retention, recruitment and culture building.  He is an avid high school wrestling fan, CrossFit participant and US Army veteran.  Jeff is the author of Give Your Employees C.R.A.P...and 7 Other Secrets to Employee Retention and HR Horror Stories…True Tales from the Trenches. For more information visit and follow Jeff on Twitter @jeffkortes

State Specific Details

Basic Course Information

Prerequisites None
Advanced Preparation None
Designed For Leaders of all types including HR,  Accounting/Finance, Operations and Sales as well as Owners of companies.
Course Developer Jeff Kortes Enterprises LLC



Overall:      5

Total Reviews: 1