ABEN Group Video Webcasts are a convenient and cost effective way to provide high quality, interactive, CE training with your agency, in a live group setting.
Discounts are given when you have two or more people viewing a course together. The more people you have the deeper the discounts.
We can create a classroom that will allow you and your colleagues to watch together but be in your own home or office. There is a Forum feature that allows for dialogue, conversation and questions. Great option for remote employees and multiple offices. Must have 10 or more participants to have this option available.
Pre-Paid Gift Card is your answer. Pre-purchase CE to use by anyone, anytime, for any course. Tiered level discount applied based on the number of hours you pre-purchase. Individual and group viewing available with this option.
Host a lunch and learn, earn CE at your next staff meeting, Coffee and CE... just a few ideas on how to offer CE as a group. Let's get creative... contact us and let us help you save while earning CE.